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[US] This or That? Which state has the largest city by population?

Which state has the largest city by population? Answers List ordered in Alphabetical order Like A, B, C. State --- Population Alabama --- 215,006 Alaska --- 291,247 Arizona --- 1,608,139 Arkansas --- 202,591 California --- 3,990,456 Colorado --- 715,522 Connecticut --- 148,654 Delaware --- 70,898 Florida --- 949,611 Georgia --- 498,715 Hawaii --- 343,302 Idaho --- 235,684 Illinois --- 2,746,388 Indiana --- 887,642 Iowa --- 214,133 Kansas --- 397,532 Kentucky --- 782,969 Louisiana --- 383,997 Maine --- 68,408 Maryland --- 585,708 Massachusetts --- 675,647 Michigan --- 639,111 Minnesota --- 429,954 Mississippi --- 153,701 Missouri --- 508,090 Montana --- 117,116 Nebraska --- 486,051 Nevada --- 641,903 New Hampshire --- 115,644 New Jersey --- 311,549 New Mexico --- 564,559 New York --- 8,804,190 North Carolina --- 874,579 North Dakota --- 125,990 Ohio --- 905,748 Oklahoma --- 681,054 Oregon --- 652,503 Pennsylvania --- 1,603,797 Rhode Island --- 190,934 South Carolina --- 150,277 South Da

My gov quiz | My gov quiz Answers

My Gov Quiz - Yoga Se Ayu Quiz

1. What does ‘hatha’ mean?

 Sun and Moon
 Fire and Water
 Light and Dark
 sunrise and sunset

The Correct Answer: Sun and Moon

2. Given below are two statements, labelled as Assertion (A), and a Reason (R). Indicate your answer from the alternatives below:

Assertion (A): Pashchimōttanasana is contraindicated in sciatica. Reason (R): Pashchimōttanasana is a type of forward bending asana.

All types of forward bending asanas should be contraindicated in sciatica. In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

 Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
 (A) is true, but (R) is false
 (A) is false, but (R) is true

The Correct Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

3. Asana useful in diabetes is –


The Correct Answer:  padmasana

4. What is the recommended time period for the practice of Kumbhaka (Pranayama) according to Hatha Pradeepika?

 Before sunrise
 After sunset
 Morning and evening both time
 Morning, midday, evening, midnight

The Correct Answer: Morning, midday, evening, midnight

5. In which of the following text ‘Bhujangikaran’ Pranayama is described?

 Yoga Vashishtha
 Shiva Samhita
 Hatha Ratnavali
 Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati

The Correct Answer: Hatha Ratnavali

6. In which disease condition sutraneti is not beneficial according to Hatha Pradeepika?

 Eye related disorder
 Kapal Shuddhi
 Diseases above the clavicle
 Hyper Acidity

The Correct Answer: Hyper Acidity

7. Practise of Vyayamaresults


The Correct Answer: 

8. Which of the following Kriya is contraindicated for Epilepsy?

 Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

The Correct Answer: 

9. The ailments brought about by the Stress are …………………………

 Life style diseases
 Non communicable diseases
 Communicable diseases
 Psychosomatic diseases

10. Which of the following is not mentioned as benefit of Pashchimottan-asana according to Hatha Pradeepika?

 Reduces Hyper Acidity
 Reduces fat on belly
 Prana enters in Sushumna
 Increases gastric fire

The Correct Answer: Reduces Hyper Acidity


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